Interview with The Documented Heart Podcast
At the end of 2019, my friend and fellow photographer, Kristyn, challenged me to a 365 photo project…taking a photo every single day for an entire year. I hesitated to commit but was intrigued so I decided to give it a try. Three months in the pandemic began, and as we all know, the world came to a crashing halt. I figured it was just a matter of time before I would lose the ambition to photograph the mundanity of being stuck at home day after day after day. But I never did. Before I knew it, it was the end of 2020 and I’d taken a photo of every single day of the year.
When 2021 began I couldn’t imagine stopping. So I kept going… and I haven’t stopped since. My daily photo-taking practice has become as habitual as brushing my teeth. It has taught me things I never could have imagined and given me a record of my life that I can’t imagine not having. I not only love the practice but I love talking about the positive impact it’s had on my life and so it was a delight to be interviewed by Kristyn on The Documented Heart podcast to dive into the details as to why I think everyone (photographer or not) should try a 365. You can check it out at the link below or wherever you listen to your podcasts.