Spending Spring on Colorado’s Western Slope
Living on the road full-time means we can live anywhere, anytime. However, traveling constantly gets pretty exhausting after a while, making it hard for this lifestyle to feel sustainable. We know because we’ve tried. For the last two years we’ve had a goal of moving at a slower, more sustainable pace. With that we’ve really come to enjoy moving with the seasons. Summer is for living in Colorado’s high country where all the weddings we photograph take place. Winter is for migrating south to warmer temps, Arizona and Baja being our destinations of choice. Spring and Fall though, used to be a little bit more of a question mark.
We’d always dreamed of owning land, not really knowing what that looked like though. In the Fall of 2020, after shopping for property throughout the high country, we decided to check out what the Western Slope had to offer. We’d always been drawn to this side of the state for it’s milder temps, lower elevation, and laid-back vibe but we didn’t know much about it. Not long in to our search we found a one-of-a-kind, almost feels too good to be true piece of land. Only 30 days after finding it, it was officially ours.
When I dreamt of owning property, I never could have dreamt this big. Not 35 acres big, not even close. Not jaw-dropping views in every direction. Not feels like the middle of nowhere but is only 15 minutes from the interstate. Those things would have seemed like a lot to ask for, but somehow that’s what we found.
Spring & Fall now find us here. In between living in the high country for wedding season and living in the desert for the winter, we get to slow our pace and call this little nook of the world home for a few months every year.
My two most favorite things it offers are:
- An address. Not having a permanent address is probably one of the biggest challenges of living on the road. Not only do we have an address (to make the banks and IRS happy) but we can get packages!
- Having a magical place to share with friends & family. This place is amazing, and, for whatever reason, it’s 10x as amazing when we’re sharing it with people we love.
Now that we’re packing up and heading to the high country for wedding season, I thought it might be fun to share a little peek at our Spring spent on the Western Slope…
The sunsets here are incredible more often than not. One of a few cool things we’ve found on hikes around the property. The sunset here…they’re unreal. A rare moment of us in front of the camera, rather than behind it. It wouldn’t be Spring in Colorado without a rogue snowstorm. Living life as a couple of full-time nomads means hanging lights is about as domestic as we get. I sure love some good string lights though. That’s a UPS driver delivering packages all the way out here. The stoke about this never fades. Hiking our property line for the first time was incredible. I kept saying “this is still ours? this is still ours???” in total awe the entire time. The view out our front door is phenomenal. Then there’s this, the view out the back. It’s unreal.
I’d love to know, if you could spend Spring & Fall anywhere in the US, where would you go?